Online SST Training for Construction Workers
The NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) requires construction workers to have an SST Worker card and 40 total hours of DOB-approved Site Safety Training. Without an SST card, you will not be permitted to work at any New York City jobsite with a Site Safety Plan.
Meet your Local Law 196 training requirements completely online with our Department-approved Site Safety Training courses. We offer two convenient SST course packages for construction and demolition workers. You can also purchase any SST courses you need to reach 40 hours of training.
About 10-Hour SST
Workers with a 30-hour OSHA card can complete 10-Hour SST to meet DOB requirements for an SST Worker card. This course package includes 8-Hour Fall Prevention, 2-Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness and an official SST card printed on durable plastic.
Learn MoreAbout 40-Hour SST
Workers who need to complete OSHA training and SST can earn their SST Worker card with 40-Hour SST. This course package includes 30-Hour OSHA training, 8-Hour Fall Prevention, 2-Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness and an official SST card printed on durable plastic.
Learn MoreIf you've completed 40 hours of Site Safety Training, you can apply for your SST Worker card online. OSHA Education Center issues SST cards and accepts training certificates from any DOB-approved course provider.
Which Workers Need 40 Hours of Site Safety Training?
Local Law 196 requires construction and demolition workers at any site with a Site Safety Plan to have 40 hours of SST and an SST Worker card. If your jobsite has a designated Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator or Site Safety Manager, you need to meet Local Law 196 training requirements.
You can also check the DOB Site Safety Construction Map to see if your jobsite requires an SST card. If the address of your jobsite is listed on the map, you will need an SST card to enter.
Which Courses Do Workers Need for a 40-Hour SST Card?
Workers in the NYC construction industry have two options for getting their SST card. If you have an OSHA 30 card, you only need to complete 10 additional hours of DOB-approved Site Safety Training.
Workers with an OSHA 10 card must take 30 hours of SST, which must include four General Elective courses and four Special Elective courses. Option 1 and Option 2 below both satisfy DOB requirements for earning a 40-hour SST Worker card.
Option 2
- 10-Hour OSHA
- SST 8-Hour Fall Prevention
- SST 8-Hour Site Safety
- SST 4-Hour Supported Scaffold User and Refresher
- SST 2-Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness
- 4 hours of SST General Electives
- 4 hours of SST Special Electives
SST General Elective Options Include:
- SST 1-Hour Electrocution Prevention
- SST 1-Hour Fire Protection and Prevention
- SST 1-Hour Stairways and Ladders
- SST 1-Hour Tools — Hand and Power
SST Special Elective Options Include:
About 10-Hour SST for Workers
Workers who have a 30-hour OSHA card that was issued within the past five years can earn their SST card by completing 10-Hour SST for Workers.
This 10-Hour course package includes a plastic, wallet-sized SST card and the following courses:
About 40-Hour SST for Workers
40-Hour SST for Workers is designed for those who need to complete both OSHA training and Site Safety Training. This includes new workers and workers who completed OSHA training more than five years ago.
The 40-hour course package includes a plastic SST card and the following courses:
Who Is Exempt from Site Safety Training?
Certain workers at NYC construction sites are not required to satisfy Local Law 196 training requirements. Some examples of workers who are exempt from Site Safety Training include delivery persons, flag persons, design professionals, Department licensees and Department registrants.
According to the DOB, the full list of workers who don't need an SST card includes:
- Building site owners
- Consultants
- Construction managers
- Concrete testing laboratories/concrete inspectors
- Delivery persons
- Developers
- DOB licensees and registrants who do not have an SST Supervisor role
- Filing representatives
- Flag persons
- Furniture installers who assemble modular furniture
- General contractors
- Professional engineers
- Project managers
- Registered architects
- Security officers
- Service technicians
- Special inspectors
If you work in any of the roles above but also serve as a Competent Person, then you will need to earn an SST card.
Can I Qualify for a 40-Hour SST Card with 10-Hour OSHA and 30-Hour OSHA?
No, you cannot satisfy DOB training requirements with OSHA training alone. Workers with an OSHA 10 card must take 30 additional hours of SST courses, and those with an OSHA 30 card need 10 additional hours of SST.
Can I Apply Past Training Courses Toward My SST Card?
Yes, you will receive credit for certain DOB-approved courses that you completed within the past five years. For example, if you completed the 8-Hour Supported Scaffold Refresher course, the DOB will give you credit for the SST 4-Hour Supported Scaffold course.
Check the DOB's list of Approved Site Safety Training Course Equivalents to find out which courses the DOB accepts and how many hours of SST credit you will receive.
How Do I Get My Site Safety Training Card?
After you complete 40 hours of SST training — which can include 10- or 30-hour OSHA training and other DOB-approved courses you completed in the past five years — you can apply for your SST card online.
The process of getting your SST card is simple. The first step is to provide certificates of completion for any courses you completed with a course provider other than OSHA Education Center. Next, you will need to provide one or more documents that prove your identity and address, such as your New York driver license.
Finally, you need to submit a photograph that will be printed on your SST card. You can take a new picture or provide a photo that is less than two years old.
We will then submit your training certificates, proof of identity documents and photograph to the DOB for verification. The DOB will deliver your SST card by mail.
If you purchase our 10-Hour SST or 40-Hour SST course package, your SST card will be included. You can request your card within your account after completing training. You will need to verify your identity and provide a photograph, but you're not required to upload course certificates.
SST Courses for Workers
Looking for a specific SST course or set of courses? Select the courses you need to satisfy 40 total hours of SST.
OSHA Courses
OSHA 10-Hour Outreach Training for Construction -
10-Hour OSHA training covers the basics of workplace safety. You can instantly download your course certificate upon completion. » Learn More | » Disponible En Español
SST Hours: 10
OSHA 30-Hour Outreach Training for Construction -
30-Hour OSHA training covers a wide range of workplace safety topics. You can download a course certificate immediately after completion. » Learn More | » Disponible En Español
SST Hours: 30
Required SST Courses
SST 8-Hour Fall Prevention -
The 8-Hour Fall Prevention course prepares workers to avoid fall hazards. You can download your training certificate as soon as you complete the course. » Learn More | » Disponible En Español
SST Hours: 8
SST 8-Hour Site Safety -
The 8-Hour Site Safety course provides a review of the DOB's 40-Hour Site Safety Manager Training. Download your certificate instantly upon course completion. » Learn More
SST Hours: 8
SST 4-Hour Supported Scaffold User and Refresher -
The 4-Hour Supported Scaffold course explains types and components of supported scaffolds and safety regulations that reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. » Learn More
SST Hours: 4
SST 2-Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness -
In 2-Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness, you'll learn about the risks of drug and alcohol use in the workplace. » Learn More | » Disponible En Español
SST Hours: 2
SST General Electives
Workers must complete four SST General Elective courses to earn an SST card.
SST 1-Hour Tools — Hand and Power -
This SST General Elective trains workers on the proper use of common hand and power tools. Download your digital certificate as soon as you complete the course. » Learn More
SST Hours: 1
SST 1-Hour Electrocution Prevention -
Learn how to avoid electricity hazards on construction worksites with this SST General Elective. You can instantly download your certificate upon course completion. » Learn More
SST Hours: 1
SST 1-Hour Fire Protection and Prevention -
The 1-Hour Fire Protection and Prevention course explains the science of fire prevention and teaches key safety protocols that reduce the risk of construction fires. » Learn More
SST Hours: 1
SST 1-Hour Stairways and Ladders -
The 1-Hour Stairways and Ladders course explains how to safely use, maintain and inspect stairways and ladders on a construction jobsite. » Learn More
SST Hours: 1
SST Special Electives
Workers must complete four SST Special Elective courses to earn an SST card.
SST 1-Hour Welding and Cutting -
This 1-Hour SST Special Elective course explains common health and safety hazards associated with welding, brazing and cutting activities at construction worksites. » Learn More
SST Hours: 1
SST 1-Hour Scaffolds — Suspended -
The 1-Hour Scaffolds — Suspended course is an SST Special Elective that teaches workers how to recognize and avoid a wide range of suspended scaffold hazards. » Learn More
SST Hours: 1
SST 1-Hour Excavations -
This awareness-level Site Safety Training (SST) Special Elective explains the basics of excavation safety and underpinning. NYC construction and demolition workers will earn one hour of Special Elective credit toward their SST card. » Learn More
SST Hours: 1
SST 1-Hour Concrete and Masonry -
The 1-Hour Concrete and Masonry course is an SST Special Elective that provides an overview of concrete's use as a building material and explains common hazards for workers to avoid. » Learn More
SST Hours: 1
"Quick and easy. This course covers what I need to complete my application. Well worth it!"

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