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Frequently Asked Questions:
MSHA Part 46 Training

Need to complete Part 46 training? We can answer your questions and help you satisfy MSHA requirements for mandatory training and retraining.

If your question isn't answered below, please contact our customer support team.

Who needs MSHA Part 46 training?

Part 46 training is required for miners, supervisors, construction workers and independent contractors who work at certain surface mines. Mines regulated by Part 46 include cement, colloidal phosphate, feldspar, granite, gravel, kaolin, lime, sand, sandstone, shale, shell dredging, slate, surface clay, surface limestone, surface marble, surface stone and traprock operations.

What is a Part 46 training plan?

As defined by Title 30, Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations, a Part 46 training plan "contains effective programs for training new miners and newly hired experienced miners, training miners for new tasks, annual refresher training and site-specific hazard awareness training."

Mine operators regulated by Part 46 must develop and implement a training plan that describes all elements of the training that workers must complete.

Are bulk discounts available if multiple employees need training?

Yes. We offer a tiered pricing schedule for those who want to purchase multiple courses at one time, in any combination, for groups large and small. Get more details on bulk pricing or call 844-869-2973 to speak with a sales representative on our business accounts team.

If some of my employees need New Miner training and others need Annual Refresher training, can I still get a bulk discount?

Yes. You can buy Part 46 courses in bulk and in any combination to match your workforce's needs. Learn more about bulk orders or call 844-869-2973 to speak with a sales representative on our business accounts team.

Are any in-person or classroom sessions needed?

No. Both courses are fully online, meaning employees can take them at their pace and convenience on any internet-enabled device — computer, mobile or tablet. Trainees can also log in and out as needed without losing their place. Those completing New Miner training must receive additional on-site training.

How long are these courses?

The New Miner and Annual Refresher courses each take eight hours to complete. After finishing MSHA training, new miners will also need to complete 16 hours of on-site training provided by their employer.

When will I get my completion certificate?

Upon completing the course, trainees can instantly download their free U.S. Department of Labor Certificate of Training (MSHA Form 5000-23).

What do I need to fill out on my completion certificate?

When you download your Certificate of Training, several sections will be filled out for you. But you or your mine operator will need to add:

  • Your mine's name, location and MSHA identification number
  • The signature of the person at your mine who is responsible for health and safety training
  • Your signature
  • The current date