SALES: 1-877-978-7246 | SUPPORT: 1-855-481-5553

Introduction to Safety 
Training for Construction

According to U.S. Department of Labor statistics, over 20% of the 4,101 work-related fatalities in 2013 were in the construction industry. Working in construction can be very dangerous, so it's important for employers and employees to be knowledgeable about health and safety hazards in the workplace.

The most common causes of construction workplace hazards are falls, being struck by an object, electrocution, and being caught-in or between two objects. OSHA calls these four hazards the Focus Four because of how common they are. If these four risks were eliminated, nearly 500 American lives could be saved each year.

The Construction Industry Course

Our construction industry certificate course is designed to help construction workers reduce their risk of onsite hazards. Topics covered include the specific federal OSHA policies, procedures, and standards you need to understand to prevent these risks and many other workplace catastrophes.

With our convenient 100% online model, this course is perfect for laborers, supervisors, and anyone else working in the construction industry. Construction professionals who further their education and experience with online certificate courses see dramatic reductions in the number of work-related accidents, OSHA standards violations and health concerns.

Students are allowed up to 90 days to complete the course. Completion of this 1-hour certificate program will provide students with an official Certificate of Completion.